
Holding Conferences

Do you want your conference to be perfect? Perfect! We know how to achieve this! We have all the attributes for your successful event:

  • professional presenters
  • necessary equipment
  • up-to-date information on conference facilities suitable for such events
  • understanding of the intricacies and nuances of the process
  • desire to make a real event in the business world

The conference is an important event that allows the company to strengthen its image and establish public relations. Our experts will conduct it at the highest level, and all participants will get the best impressions from the organization and atmosphere of the event.

Organizing conferences, especially large ones, is one of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks. The event can last for several days in a row, it usually has many guests and speakers, often at the location of the event you need to create several different areas, each of which will be held this or that event with its own schedule.

And all this must be provided in a decent technical manner, carefully planned and carefully monitored, so that in the process there will not be any hitches, otherwise everything risks to fall apart like a big house of cards, and the impression of the conference will be spoiled.

Conferences in many ways resemble other serious business events, such as forums and seminars, but the difference is that they are much more ambitious. In terms of preparatory process these events are also similar, although the organization of conferences more often requires a variety of additional work, such as booking accommodation for non-resident or foreign participants and organization of entertainment for them in their spare time from the presence of the event.

8 tips from business conferences organizers

Many companies in their activity face the necessity of organizing business events of different levels. It can be a closed round table, industry conference or even a large international symposium.

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The cost of organizing and conducting conferences, seminars and trainings

The cost depends on many components:

  • date and venue (the more popular the date, the higher cost may be for some services)
  • Filling the program of the event (you can do dry conference, a boring seminar or a boring training. But you do not want guests to fall asleep, or scattered during the break? Not intrusive, not distracting from the overall picture entertainment content – must be. What is it? Call us and we’ll tell you.)
  • necessary special equipment
  • number of participants
  • Organization of catering and coffee-break.

It depends on many different factors. The scale of the event, the number of guests, and the format of the conference – international, all-Ukrainian or local – all play their role. Each case has its own nuances and additional costs, as well as items that can be waived in general to reduce the cost of the organization of the conference.

We are engaged in organization of seminars and conferences on a turn-key basis, which means that our specialists discuss all, even the smallest nuances with a client, make a plan of the event and approve it together with him. We take into account all important details – what should be in the program necessarily, what the customer would like to add at his discretion, and what should not be included in the program. And only then we make a detailed estimate with the price for each of these items in the program of the event.

Then we carefully review the entire scenario again and if necessary, adjust it together with the client. If any point does not suit him financially or otherwise, we are always ready to seek possible alternatives. However, you should keep in mind that some works are obligatory for the conference organization. This is a matter of professionalism: we never do bad or pre-failure events, not for any money.

Call us and you will get answers to all your questions! We will offer you the best package and guarantee flawless event organization.

Our events are loaded with success!


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